
Monday, April 27, 2015

Productivity via Procrastination

Heya lovely potatoes of the internet. So after almost 2 years of not posting anything I've finally decided to blog again. Not sure if this will be consistent, but hey at least there's an effort. (: Unfortunately, I tend to delay doing a lot of things and this is one of them. I just always tell myself that I'll do it some other time. Well, I guess that 'some other time' is now. I've been super busy with school... I'm on spring break this week and I should be doing my assignments... but well, see, maybe sometimes procrastination isn't so bad right? I'm writing this blog post at the moment, which I'd say is a good use of my time in a way :) Anyways, now I'm just rambling (something I do a lot). I'll try my best to post more photos and other random stuff but for now... enjoy your day and thank you for reading. <3

Here's a picture of my hair btw :D random fact: I've dyed my hair 4 times this year. 
1: blonde ombre
2: blue ombre 
3: teal ombre (but I wasn't happy with the way it turned out)
4. so... I dyed it dark blue... and it turned into some weird grey color after a few months. :) 

Nina (:

Friday, January 31, 2014


Hello and welcome to my first blog post. My name is Nina… and we can get into the details of who I am some other time. Today I wanted to talk about my New Year's Resolutions. I know it's been like a month of 2014, but because I was too lazy to make my resolutions when the year started I'm going to make them now. And since, today is the official Lunar New Year, it's all good. Better late than never right?

Goodbye 2013 (:

So here is a list of my 2014 goals/resolutions:

1. Get Healthier:
I know this is the most cliche resolution anyone can make but actually keeping it isn't all that simple. This year, I'm going to try and exercise at least twice a week, limit the amount of junk food I consume and drink more water.

2. Stop Procrastinating:
I think I have pretty much mastered the art of procrastination. Somehow, I always manage to find an excuse to put off important tasks or any tasks until it's too late. And we all know how that ends. So starting from today I will stop being lazy (hopefully) and make an effort to get things done.

3. Be more positive: A lot of times in situations I tend to look at the bad side of things. But being negative never does any good so I want to learn to look at the brighter side of things and stop being so pessimistic.

I didn't want the list to be too long because I know for a fact I will not be able to keep up, but with a shorter list it will be more likely that I will actually stick to my resolutions.

So there you have it C: 

What are your New Year's Resolutions?
